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【Hazards of various corrosion to centrifuges】

Release time:2018/8/29 16:30:33 Source:Xin Ao Instrument Co., Ltd. visits:

Local corrosion is common in centrifuges, so it is necessary to analyze its formation mechanism and take measures to overcome it.

1. Pore corrosion is a highly corrosive phenomenon, which mainly exists in passive metals, such as stainless steel. Because of the possible defects on the surface, there are active ions in the solution which can destroy the passive film, and the passive film is destroyed locally, thus forming a couple, resulting in pitting corrosion. After pitting, due to the centrifugal force, the dynamic process of the galvanic couple in the hole will be accelerated, so as to ensure the continuity of the pitting corrosion until the perforation, which is different from the static pitting corrosion phenomenon.

2. Intergranular corrosion will cause parts to lose strength and elongation, brittle fracture. It is a kind of harmful damage from the surface along the grain boundary to the inside without any signs of corrosion.

3, wear corrosion is the surface wear and corrosion damage.

4, stress corrosion is the damage caused by a certain tensile stress in corrosive environment. It has the following characteristics: residual tensile stress, external tensile stress, corrosive infiltration environment and local defects.